January 14, 2016

A New Year

You guys, it's 2016. It's scaring me how fast the numbers on the end of the current year changes, but it's an inevitable thing. Despite the terribly devastating news of that disgusting killer, cancer, physically taking some ridiculously inspirational people out of our lives already,  let's focus on making 2016 our best year yet. Take that idea you've had tucked away in your head that you've been putting off for so long & make it happen. Push aside those negative distractions in your life & stare down those goals & dreams you wish to accomplish. I'm not gonna get all Shia LaBeouf on you, but I whole heartedly agree with him screaming in our faces:

Sometimes we do need a quick (& often silly) reminder & if it snaps even one person out of a funk it's totally worth it. Time IS short...

With that, I wanted to invite you ALL to the first art show I'm a part of in 2016. My friends & local badasses, Spratx, have been working incredibly hard the past few months remodeling & creating a new retail AND gallery space in East Austin & now it's time to open the doors to the public! They're throwing a well deserved party for their grand opening THIS Saturday, January 16th, 6-10pm & I couldn't be more pleased & lucky to be a part of it. Spratx expertly crafted 12 wood cut out crowns (their logo) & handed them to different artists to do with them what they wanted..

...I somehow found one in my hands & created this "Monster King":
All twelve pieces will be revealed at the opening & a silent auction will be held for them. Along with that, I'll also have a few other originals & some different art prints available alongside some super talented artists, so I hope to see your smiling faces there so i can high five it. Yes...I'll HIGH FIVE YOUR FACE so you can REALLY feel my love & appreciation! All of the info for the grand opening can be found HERE. I really hope you can make it.

Again, friends, let's not lose focus in 2016 & let's put all our energy into the things & people that really matter to us. 