January 18, 2011

Not a full sigh of relief...

Hello computer screen readers....
I've been pretty darn busy with some deadlines this month.  Fortunately one has been dominated by yours truly as I finally finished my sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project 2011.  40+ pages of random, retarded globs of wasted ink now & forever will grace the pages of this moleskine.  It's hopefully being fondled by the moisturized hands of the operators over at The Brooklyn Art Library right now & getting prepped & ready to go on its 6-month, 8-city tour.  If it comes to a city near you, please take a glance through my book & send me some feedback via Twitter or here...I'd love to hear from you.  If you're a hermit & never go outside, then you can view my sketchbook at your own pace from the safety of your cave here.  OR if you're a hermit, never go outside and you're super lazy & don't want to keep pressing your mouse to view my pages, I've included a magical, video journey through every page of my book below.  Enjoy...

As I mentioned earlier before you watched that blockbuster of a YouTube video above, I've been pleasantly swamped with deadlines.  I have two shows that I'll have at least two original pieces in coming up in February.  They'll be in Chicago & Boston, but I'll share with you images, links & more information very shortly.
I also took a moment to illustrate something which was inspired by Mr. Alex Pardee's recent solo show which opened on Jan. 8th.  He spent a few weeks leading up to this exhibit creating a story/world about Caleb "Verti" Parker; a big game hunter turned nightmare hunter.  You can read all about it here & hopefully get lost in his awesomeness as I did.  Since Alex purposely didn't paint "Verti", I went ahead & created my own version of him based on the descriptions from the story with a fresh, fallen nightmare:
Definitely check out Alex's show "Vertigo: A Decade of Hunting Nightmares" at the Corey Helford Gallery in LA if you're in that area...it'll run until the end of the month, but will blow minds for a lifetime!
Now back to the grind.  I'm high five-ing myself since I seem to be truly following through on my New Years resolution of really focusing more on my art & getting my stuff out there.  I'm getting more & more things lined up, so hopefully you'll be seeing more of my crafty creations in the 11 months left in 2011....

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad i did my doodling like a 5 year old and sent it off before scoping out your project. i'm blown away :)


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