November 6, 2014

Icons of Horror: A Haunted Portrait Show

So October has passed as quickly as it came, & I'm already counting down the days til next Halloween! But if you're like me & try to enjoy Ocotber/Halloween year round with horror movies, candy & whatever else gives you that special Fall feeling, then you'll be stoked to know that an art show I was SO LUCKY to be a part of will be on exhibit til December & it's FILLED with your favorite monsters/slashers! That's right, Guzu Gallery had their opening of Icon's of Horror: A Haunted Portrait Show on Halloween night & it was a super spooky, fun time! With over 20 artists invited to participate in this haunting art show, the only restriction we had to follow was "Create a PORTRAIT of your favorite horror icon…"..that was it. With endless possibilities that I wish I could've spent forever creating, I settled on four slashers that are my favorites in the horror genre & were calling out to me to paint. Here are my four "FACES OF DEATH" pieces…all 8"x 10" watercolor/ink original paintings on gessoed wood panels:

These paintings are STILL available for purchase NOW at Guzu Gallery's webstore, so go make some new friends &, like me, ENJOY HALLOWEEN YEAR ROUND! [**UPDATE: These paintings are now available in my online store HERE!] If you're not wanting the originals, you can take home prints of each of these from my online store HERE.
I also made an altered, super limited edition of my "Monster MugShots" which you can ONLY get by visiting Guzu Gallery to get. My "DEATH ESTABLISHED" set is limited to ONLY 13 signed/numbered & introduces my newest "MugShot", SAM, from Trick 'r Treat fame:
Each set continues 12 prints containing Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Michael Myers (Halloween), Tall Man (Phantasm), Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th), Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp), Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm St.), Krite (Critters), Pinhead (Hellraiser), Chucky (Child's Play), Ghostface (Scream), Victor Crowley (Hatchet) & Sam (Trick 'r Treat).
You can order my regular, open edition prints of these individually or as a set at my online store here...
So yeah, it's always a blast to be part of such an amazing show with amazinger artists who constantly inspire me with their skill. If you're in or around the Austin area, you MUST go see the Icon's of Horror exhibit which runs til Dec. 3rd.
I have a lot of things planned for November, so please continue to check back & be sure to follow me on Instagram where I continue to have giveaways & updates on what I'm working on.
Thanks, friends & don't fret….ONLY 359 DAYS LEFT TIL HALLOWEEEEEEEEN!


  1. Hey would it be okay if i used this to put it on a shirt for my halloween editon shirts please thank you

    1. Jeyser, unless you buy the design or we figure out a certain percentage of sales per t-shirt, I can't allow that. you can shoot me an email for more info & we can discuss:
      Thanks for contacting me!

    2. I sent you a msg and how much would it be for the design if i bought it?


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